Constitution Party of Wyoming Laramie county
Restoring American’s First Dream
Make American Constitutional Again
Restore America
We, the Constitution Party of Wyoming - Laramie County, grateful to GOD for our civil, political, and religious liberties; and desiring to secure them to ourselves and perpetuate them to our posterity, do ordain and establish this Platform.
Foundational Plank
The only legitimate role of government is to secure our God-given rights of life, liberty, and the ownership and control of property. Individuals have the right and responsibility to protect these God-given rights.
Government derives its power form the consent of the governed, the only power it rightfully has is to provide protection for these rights. When government assumes other functions, it becomes tyrannical.
The US Constitution grants no authority to the federal government either to grant or deny the religious expressions of its citizens in any place.
Sanctity of Life
We oppose abortion and euthanasia. We affirm that human life begins at conception and stand for the protection of human life from conception to natural death.
We oppose accepting federal funds for education. The authority and responsibility of educating children belongs to their parents. We oppose compulsory attendance laws, testing, and taxation as mandated by the government. We support the unimpeded right of parents to provide for the education of their children in the manner they deem best, including home, private, religious, or other schools.
The law or our Creator defines marriage as the covenanted union between one man and one woman, which is the foundation of family.
Character & Moral Conduct
We Party leaders and candidates of the Constitution Party are expected to be of good character - exhibiting qualities of honesty, integrity, reliability, fidelity, prudence, temperance, justice, fortitude, and courage.
Each elected official of the Constitution Party will be conversant with the US Constitution and the WY Constitution. These officials, party leaders, and all candidates for public office endorsed by the party must commit themselves to adhere to these qualities and this platform.
We support recall, initiative, and referendum at all levels of state and local government. We support the removal of elected and appointed officials who violate their oath of office.
Constitutional Amendments
We favor amending the Constitution of the United States through the traditional congressional method that has protected our freedoms for more than two centuries. We oppose the calling of any constitutional convention(s) by Congress by application of state legislatures.
Cost of Big Government
We propose to cut spending substantially by reducing the structure and function of Wyoming state government to their constitutional limits.
We favor competitive bidding for all Wyoming tax-financed projects. We oppose taxpayer money being given out as grants to businesses, preferring instead to let the free market and private initiative decide who will be economic winners and losers.
Cronyism & Corruption
We affirm that Wyoming has the right to a militia. We support an active, trained, and equipped State Militia. We oppose any use of foriegn forces on Wyoming soil and will not recognize orders or directives form the United Nations or any other international organization.
Gun Rights
The God-given unalienable right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the US Constitution and the Declaration of Rights in the Wyoming State Constitution. We uphold this right, and oppose all attempts to control or restrict the possession and use of guns and ammunition.
Law Enforcement
The individual is the first line of defense against crime and shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability for practicing self-defense. Crime should be dealt with by state and local governments without un-requested federal intervention or use of military force.
We support the traditional principle of the Posse Comitas Act of 1878. The county sheriff is the primary law officer in his county; any active law enforcement entity who enters a county must obtain permission from the sheriff. We insist that the sheriff protect individuals against unconstitutional federal intrusion.
Emergency Management
We support Wyoming managing its own emergencies to the exclusion of the federal government.
Executive Orders
We oppose executive orders that usurp the constitutional authority of the legislature or judicial branches of the federal government or the constitutional authority of the state or of the people.
We oppose any federal intrusion in health care, including health insurance. We support the freedom to choose medical coverage and treatment without government interference. We support the nullification of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.
We affirm the natural right of the states to nullify the actions of federal agencies an court decisions that usurp powers not enumerated to them by the U.S. Constitution.
We oppose all warrantless federal and state surveillance, in any form, as violations of the natural right to privacy guaranteed in the 9th & 10th Amendments. We therefore oppose national databases of citizens' personal information and national identification cards or numbers for people.
Private Property
Ownership and control of personal and private property is an unalienable right and key to a successful free market. We oppose the actions of any entities that would diminish private property.
Presidential Electors
We support Article 2, Section 1 of the US Constitution as amended by the 12th Amendment. We oppose the participation of Wyoming in a National Popular Vote Compact that requires participating states' presidential electors to vote for the winner of the maximum nationwide popular vote.
State & Federal Relations
The acceptance of federal funds always results in the requirements of federal regulations, we support operating Wyoming without federal funds to avoid such unnecessary regulations.
State Sovereignty
All powers relating to Wyoming, its people, lands, and issues not specifically delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to Wyoming, are reserved to the state of Wyoming itself or its people.
The provision of charity by any government is unconstitutional and socially destructive. Under no circumstances should citizens be taxed and fund welfare. Charity should be voluntary. Individuals, families, religious entities, and other private organizations are the best providers of assistance to those in need.
Searches & Seizures
We affirm that the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution forbids activity such as general and warrantless surveillance, stops, searches, checks, and denial of freedom of movement, electronically, or without probable cause.
We affirm that the US Constitution forbids the federal ownership of land within states' borders except for constitutional military bases.
We affirm that the state of Wyoming has the right to manage all wildlife within its confines for the benefit of the people.
Save Wyoming
Every media resource and news outlet, is predicting historical changes to the political spectrum during 2024, dubbing it, “the Year of the Third Party”. Of course, each source puts their own spin on it, hoping to promote their interests; special or otherwise. however, like most reasonable Americans, the Constitutionalist envision a “rebirth of America” that takes into an account all the hard won lessons we have learned as a Nation while restoring of the founder’s intent for America.
arrows to cycle through third party articles
76% of Americans believe rights have been ‘diluted’
Sept 18th, 2019
PBS News Hour, unaffiliated with the Constitution Party, reported upon the Montpelier Foundation report which argued that about eight in ten Americans are worried that some of their constitutional rights are being “diluted or taken away”.
The article shows that 86 percent of respondent Americans said their rights are taken for granted. That about 90 percent ranked civil rights, data privacy, voting rights and freedom of the press as top personal concerns, which beat out issues like gun control and abortion; and that less than of half of all Americans want to change/amend the Constitution. The article concludes with a quote from Hasan Jeffries, an African American history professor at Ohio State University, "...this survey shows the Constitution is still important 250 years after it was written."
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86 % of Americans Don't Trust the Government
Pew Research Center, unaffiliated with the Constitution Party, has conducted an ongoing poll from 1958 to present which demonstrates that public trust in Government has returned to near record lows. Currently, less than two out of ten Americans trust the government to do the right thing right.
The article goes onto explain that after 9/11 public trust spiked and rapidly fell away; and that since 1970 which ever party is in control of white house their constituents tend to poll in favor of trusting the government more. When there is a Democratic President democrat trust hovers around 25% and when there is a Republican President then republic trust hovers around 30%; what is clear to us is that not even the constituents of their party trust their own leadership.
Sept 19th, 2023
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63 % of Americans Want a Third Party
Gallop News, unaffiliated with the Constitution Party, in an ongoing study now reports that 63% agree with the statement that the Republican and Democratic parties do “such a poor job” of representing the American people that “a third major party is needed.”
The article goes onto explain that support for a third party is at about 40% within both major parties and at 70% with independent. That these figures are roughly the same they have been for the past two decades, but that the support for a major third part in US Politics has been rising since 2017. It seems clear that America is ready for the Constitution Party.
OCT 8th, 2023
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75% of Independents want a Third Party
Forbes, unaffiliated with the Constitution Party, reported that more than 75% of Americans want a third party; and that there is growing support within the Republican Party for a major third party.
Forbes went onto explain that Gallop began the poll in 2003 and then only 40% of Americans backed the idea of a third party, of which there are about 50 that exist in the U.S., the most prominent of which are the Green Party, the Libertarian Party, the Reform Party and Constitution Party.
It seems clear that America has been warming up to the idea for over two decades that the Constitution Party.
Oct 4th, 2023
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2024 is Ripe for Third Party, but not the Libertarians
Politico, unaffiliated with the Constitution Party, interviewed Bernard Tamas, a political scientist at Valdosta State University who studies third party movements.
Tamas argued that a third party won't win the 2024 Presidential election, but their candidate could be a spoiler for a major party candidate.
Tamas suggested that there is a giant gaping hole, and he stated that the Libertarians could step into that role, but they are stuck in the 1970s and they don't seem interested.
The two major differences between the Libertarians and the Constitutionist is that we are more morally grounded and we have a plan for 2024.
Oct 4th, 2023
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"No Labels Party" calls it quits
The Washington Examiner, unaffiliated with the Constitution Party, reported that the "No Labels Party" has already quit their bid for the 2024 Presidential Election, after gaining criticism and rejection from Democrat and Republican in all 50 states. The party had intended on running, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican.
The major difference between the "No Labels Party" and the Constitutionist is that we, like all true Americans, aren't quitters. Plus, we are not in league with uni-party politicians.
APR 4th, 2024
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86% - R & D prefer fighting each other vs solving problems
The Pew Research Center, unaffiliated with the Constitution Party, reported that 3 in 10 Americans dislike both major parties, 63% are dissatisfied with the candidates, majority agree that the political process is dominated by special interests, campaign donations, and partisan warfare. Elected officials are seen as self-serving and ineffective. 86% think that “Republicans and Democrats are more focused on fighting each other than on solving problems.”
The Constitution Party, like all true Americans, care about the Constitution and directly dealing with America's problems within the framework of the constitution.
APR 4th, 2024
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Professional politicians, lawyers, and legal pundits have destroyed our country and our state with deceitful arguments and initiatives made on behalf of special interests and investors with the goal of American’s going to war with each other. The Globalists have no hope of success unless they convince Americans destroy America for them. The constitution party stands against the Global-Marxist and all their allies; most especially those persons elected. We advance an America that is based on our values, traditions, and history.
We envision the same substantially de-centralized government that our Founders designed where each state is free to constitutionally address the issues that are most important to them. Further, due to the dramatic population increase, which the globalists wish to use an an excuse to kill human beings, we envision the same kind of constitutional republics made up of county and municipalities to locally address the issues that are most important to people casting the vote.

National Constitution Party
The Party of “Integrity, Liberty, & Prosperity!”
The mission of the Constitution Party is to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity through the election, at all levels of government, of Constitution Party candidates who will uphold the principles of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights. It is our goal to limit the federal government to its delegated, enumerated, Constitutional functions.
- Preserving Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness; in that order.
- Restoring the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as the Supreme Law.
- Reducing and Limiting Government to it’s core functions.
- Forcing Congress to make laws and holding them accountable.
- Eliminating Income Taxes for every citizen of the United States.
- Encouraging SMBs, NGO, FBOs, and other NPOs to compete in the market.
Constitution Party of Wyoming
Make America Constitutional Again

Restoring America’s First Dream
The Constitution Party of Wyoming is the only party in Wyoming that defends and protects the founding father’s version of the United States of America. A vote for our candidates strengthens America’s original designs.

Wyoming First Politics
Wyoming is a unique State in the union; freedom still means something here, Neighbor’s are still valued, and you can still hear the eagle’s screech. Yet, there are elected officials with motivations external to Wyoming; designs to turn our State into some “city slicker” version of the West, or worse.

Our Platform is our Promise
Platforms are more than ideas or suggestions, they are social contracts between the party candidates and their voting constituents. The Constitution Party of Wyoming is the only party that holds our candidates and our elected officials to our platform.

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