Restoring America’s First Dream
The Constitution Party of Wyoming is a state political committee that is, like several other State Committees, affiliated with the National Constitution Party. The Constitution Party, regardless of it’s location, stands for the restoration of the God given rights embodied of the Declaration of Independence, and fights for a plain reading of the Constitution of the United States of America. The state level leaders of the party are encouraged to empower the people in their State to restore and perpetuate the constitutional republic consistent with the original understanding of our framer’s intent.
See the video below, the channel has nothing to do with the Constitution Party, but the content creator does a pretty good job explaining the National Party’s platform and agenda.
Three Pillars
The Constitution Party doubles down on the American way of life, American Values, and the American Dream by seeking to restore the supremacy of the Constitution of the United States of America. Which by and far is the single most important document ever agreed upon by any government of mankind.
Our officers and candidates are selected from communities just like yours, they are principled men and women of the very best moral fabric. Their first job is to lead by example, be the change, and the type of person we all wish we had in office.
We acknowledge that there will be disagreement, but we require from our own and call from others decorum and candor in those disputes.
Our party offers the most innovative and effective non-government solutions to the country’s social and moral issues.
We believe that the big hearts of all well intentions Americans have within them the unique ability to solve our most important social issues through various NGOs, FBOs, and other NPOs; and that such organizations are best led by people with these kinds of convictions.
Our economic policies are designed to invigorate the greatest economy that the U.S. and the world has ever seen. Capitalist in design, proliferation of small business, and a free market that is without government intrusion; no more government sponsored winners.
All the while, our economic policy, increases the standard of living, abolishes income and other taxes.
We are a party of ordinary American Citizens, Patriots to our core, banded together in order to restore and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic, for the purposes of securing the “One Nation Under God“.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
~ John Adams, Second President of the United States of America.
Seven Principles
1. Life
Life for all innocent human beings: from conception to natural death.
2. Liberty
Limit the Government to its enumerated powers; freeing the people.
3. Property
All have the right to own and steward personal property without government.
4. Family
Families are the strength and support of every moral and religious peoples.
5. Founding Documents
A plain and simple understanding of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and it’s Bill of Rights are the bedrock of our platform and the Supreme Law of the Land.
6. State’s Rights
The Constitution delegated few, enumerated powers to the Federal Government, reserving all remaining powers to the States. The tenth Amendment expanded the State’s Rights over the Federal Government.
7. American Sovereignty
George Washington in has farewell address, stated the following: “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world.” America answers to no one.
The Opposition’s Stance
Our policies make us neither progressive or regressive, they certainly are not “Nationalist” in any kind shape, way, or form. We advocate and fight for de-centralized government and local control; in fact you could label us “Localist”. Arguments to the opposition are simply political propaganda, aka “Fake News”.
The Constitution Party like our Country and our Constitution is founded upon Christian ideals, but to call us exclusively Christian is a misnomer; we encourage Freedom of Religion which is one the most Christian of ideals; emphasized throughout the New Testament. People must be free to chose their faith and ultimately their fate, lest we become like Romans who persecuted the first Christians.
Our opposition represents the minority, the shrinking 37% of the voting population, who out of desperation have lost their decency and many have become morally corrupt; regardless of their party, they are the uni-party. Take what they say about us with a grain of salt. It amounts to less than sticks and stones. At the end of all of this, we might be the only Pro-America for Americans Party remaining.
Constitution Party Agenda
Self-Reliant, Self-Sustaining, Self-Deterrent, Self-Defense, and Self-Determining citizens and communities de-centralize and limit government of all levels.
- Avoid Wars: Major international conflicts, Civil, etc. but if there should be war, then it will be total.
- No Income/Estate/Capital Gains/Etc. Tax by repealing of the 16th Amendment
- Limit the National and State governments to their enumerated duties and de-centralize the government.
- Empower local NGOs, FBOs, and other NPOs to respond to socially important issues (eg. pseudo-politics).
- Medical/Healthcare/Mental-health/Pharmaceuticals
- K-12 Education/Trades/College/University
- Welfare/Charity/Un-employment Services/Family Services
- Strong free market economy, without government subsidies for any industry or business.
- Government tax-breaks are just as unconstitutional as the “income tax” authorized in the 16th Amendment.
- Government out of our Marriages and Family.
- “Live and let Live” mentality. Rights come with responsibilities to not infringe upon other’s rights.
- Pro-Life not excluding “Trigger Ban” for medical necessity.
- “One Nation Under GOD, Indivisible” Citizenship is not based upon religion, race, color, sexual orientation, or life-style choices.
- Legislation that favors any group over another is un-Constitutional and needs to prevented and removed from the law.
- Expansion of the second amendment and homeland security through unorganized/community militias/defense forces.
- Border: We believe that the vast majority of people coming into the country illegally are doing it for legitimate reasons; but, starting out by breaking a national law is the wrong way to do it. We advocate for relaunching and expanding Ellis Island and other places like it for the purposes of a robust immigration system.
None of that qualifies anyone individually or collectively as a Christian Nationalist; so, we find them guilty of playing politics and throwing propaganda around like Halloween candy.
Learn more about the Wyoming Constitutional Party